Saturday, March 16, 2024

Dialogs - Nothing for dinner!

 Adapted from HebrewPod101 Listen on Google Translate Audio (you can adjust the speed)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wells Fargo: Una reseña histórica con profundas raices latinas



Read about the image in English .

The October 14, 2011 Washington Hispanic carried a full-page, color ad for Wells Fargo. In large part, the text is like their site's history page, which is posted in Spanish. The photos are historical, and I would like to fine more here or here. These are old enough that they should be in the public domain. You might find at Wells Fargo's LA History Museum.

Huffington Post also noticed the ad campaign to immigrants during the month of October 2011, but from a political context.

Fix links!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How to Ofimática

Insertar imágenes (de Aulaclic) y video demo

(gracias al professor del Arquidiócesis de Washington DC)


Archived links*/


Sunday, October 18, 2009

¿Se usa el tilde en Ingles?

US English uses the Spanish tilde for writing place names and on street signs:

Cañon St. CA Route 209 in San Diego
Cañon City, CO in its 1994 official name
Cañon Drive in Beverly Hills, CA

Monday, March 2, 2009

el hombre propone y Dios dispone / Man proposes and God disposes

District of Maryland, US Bankrupty Court
Mission: To promote social and economic order by reconciling the opportunity of debtors to a fresh start with the right of creditors to be paid.
via Google translation
Misión:Para promover la integración social y económica por fin la oportunidad de conciliar a los deudores un nuevo comienzo con el derecho de los acreedores a ser pagados.

Forms and instructions

SCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTY - via Google translation en Espanol
Form B6B (10/05) 3 paginas
instructions (undated) 3 paginas en Espanol

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS - via Google translation en Espanol
Official Form 7 (04/07) 11 paginas
instructions (Revised 2/01) 10 paginas en Espanol

Que es la bancarrota?
la bancarrota del Capítulo 7
Considerando la bancarrota del Capítulo 7 (for informational purposes and not a recommendation)

Monday, September 22, 2008


From omniglot -- the aleph bet using Rashi script
From the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture: speech samples

que regalo!

"Sleep mask" ads
blindfold "new gift idea"